Tummy tuck surgery is also known as abdomino plasty. Tummy tuck is a procedure for people who has surplus skin which is a result from losing a great deal of weight. People with remaining fat or stretch mark as of giving birth may also choose to undergo this procedure. In certain conditions the tummy tuck surgery is also represented as body carving because tummy tuck is considered among the major ways to efficiently dispose of surplus abdominal fat.
Person from both gender may go have this procedure to have a flat stomach and to strengthen their abdominal muscles. Tummy tuck surgery requires the entry of a needle, catheter, or other instrument into a part of the body and deserves careful consideration prior the decision to undergo it. For someone who has a great deal of loose skin following their weight loss will need to have a full tummy tuck and for some, they may require only a partial tuck.

The tummy tuck procedure is generally done under a general anesthetic. An incision that reaches from hip bone to another hip bone has to be made by the surgeon. This is to remove the surplus fat and to tighten the abdominal muscles. A second incision is made to separate the navel from the adjoining tissues. Upon the tightening of the abdominal muscles, surplus skin is then taken out and the navel will then be rearranged prior to the closing of the incisions.
People who has undergone a tummy tuck surgery will be required to have a few days bed rest and between 2 and 4 weeks day off.